Chinese foot massageThe six main meridians - those that penetrate the major body organs are represented in the feet, especially the toes. Thus stimulation of the feet helps clear congestions in the meridians.
Inge Dougans About Chinese foot massageIn Chinese foot massage each point on the sole of the foot corresponds to an internal organ in the body. Energy called 'chi' flows upwards through conduits in the foot throughout the rest of the body. Chinese Meridian theory believes the body has a network of energy channels through which chi energy flows. Free flowing energy represents good health, whereas energy blockages can cause dis-ease. Blockages are released by applying pressure to acupressure points located along the meridians.
What to expectThe massage begins with a pleasurable soaking of the feet* in a foot bath containing natural ingredients specifically chosen for your needs. The heated mixture warms up the feet. During the foot soak, you will receive a relaxing hand massage concentrating on specific reflex/acupoints on the hands. After the foot soak and hand massage, you will be able to lie back and enjoy a foot and calf massage. Chinese Tuina massage techniques are used to stimulate movement of energy through the meridians and the muscles, and specific reflex/acupressure points on the feet will be stimulated to encourage healing throughout the body. Movements are traditionally quite brisk and usually with firm pressure, although this can be adjusted to suit your preference.
*Please note, the foot soak is only available in Winchburgh. BenefitsImproves energy flow throughout the body
Improves blood flow and lymphatic flow Eases tight muscles May relieve symptoms of restless legs, swollen ankles/feet/legs etc etc. |
Client feedback
Would highly recommend, it's a wonderful mix of reflexology and massage with stimulating foot soak included. I can honestly say I felt so much better after the treatment.
Excellent treatment. So relaxing. Enjoyed the whole experience.
This was fantastic, really enjoyed my session today, thank you!
Would highly recommend, it's a wonderful mix of reflexology and massage with stimulating foot soak included. I can honestly say I felt so much better after the treatment.
Excellent treatment. So relaxing. Enjoyed the whole experience.
This was fantastic, really enjoyed my session today, thank you!